
Shiroto No Ran
This is the website of Shiroto No Ran (Amateur Revolt) in Mabashi, Koenji, Japan
If you have this page open at the same time as a radio broadcast, you are listening to it now.

News |  Net radio |  Shop info |  Amateur University |  Amateur Publications |  Events

>moro news & Information

Internet Radio
The radio is broadcast on the live broadcasting Internet. (22:00〜) >Explanation of listening method

about ・・・・・・Introduction of personality on each day of the week etc.
BBS on Radio ・・・・・・It writes it with message [hakoko] under broadcasting.
first time ・・・・・・To no understanding of the way of hearing of the radio
u-stream ・・・・・・Ustream is broadcast at the same time.

Shop Shiroto No Ran
05 バルデラマ 09セピア 09vege シランプリ 浦野
12号店 はやとちり 家具二番 二木 大阪 京都

◆Shop List◆
Store # 5 Used goods
Store # 6 “Valderama”: Used clothes (Mr. Honda’s style!!)
Store # 9 “Sepia”/ “Amateur Cafe” / “Veggie Cafeteria”: Food in the afternoon, drinks at night
Store # 10 “Shiranpuri”: Used clothes
Store # 11 “Ura No Shoten” Used goods
Store # 12 “Still No Name”: Event space



>photo Street INFORMATION for KITANAKA St.